
Greetly and Satellite Deskworks Partner with New Workspace Integration

Satellite Deskworks is happy to announce our new integration with leading visitor management system Greetly.

Originally published by Satellite Deskworks. Reposted with permission.

Satellite Deskworks is happy to announce our new integration with Greetly, the leading coworking visitor management software.

With Greetly, workspace guests enter their details on a front desk tablet. The member they are visiting is instantly notified.

“We’re excited to work with the Greetly team,” says Satellite Deskworks CEO Barbara Sprenger. “They’re innovative and working fast to provide the additional functionality our industry needs to provide seamless service to members.”

Greetly is quickly rolling out new features—we’re particularly excited about their Honor Bar tablet.

What is a Visitor Management System?  How does it impact your business?  ️ Download the free ebook and learn more today.

When you create a new member, it’s instantly in Greetly; when you inactivate a member, they are instantly gone from Greetly. No need for any manual entry.

“The integration between Greetly and Satellite Deskworks facilitates running a great coworking space operation,” says Greetly founder Dave Milliken. “These two products used together frees up operators to focus on building a strong community.”

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