Colorado-based company launches no-touch visitor management system
A Colorado-based company is giving businesses the option of no-touch technology while making check-in safer by implementing “no-touch” visitor check-in.
COLORADO SPRINGS— A Colorado-based company is giving businesses the option of no-touch technology while making check-in safer.
Greetlyclaims to be the first modern visitor management system to implement “no-touch” visitor check-in. “We make it easy for visitors and employees to check in and out of a workplace anytime,” said Greetly founder Dave Milliken.
The software helps manage vendors, deliveries, tours, entries, and more while keeping the heart of office spaces healthy and touch-free. “Coronavirus unfortunately has really sped up how to make the workplace safer, we are able to make sure there are fewer touch points and essential businesses can stay open,” said Milliken.
Milliken says the software has gone international since its April debut. He says it’s being used across six different continents and can have language settings changed.
“Before we used to have a touchpad,” said Walt Martin who bought Greetly for his business, Office Evolution. “It’s peace of mind.”
To experience Greetly, schedule a free Webinar demo.
Carley Moore: Now Colorado-based company giving businesses the option of no-touch technology, making it easier for safer check-ins. Fox 21's Daniela Leon tells us about Greetly's new system.
Daniela Leon: Greetly is changing the way offices and businesses look.
Dave Milliken: We make it easy for visitors and employees of any type to check in and out of any workspace quickly.
Daniela Leon: This software is a no-touch visitor check-in. It helps manage vendors, deliveries, tours, entries, and more while keeping the heart of office spaces healthy and touch-free.
Automated Voice: Kathy is here for a tour.
Dave Milliken: Coronavirus, unfortunately, has really sped up us thinking about how to make the workplace safer. We're able to make sure that there's fewer touchpoints and at the same time, essential businesses can stay open.
Daniela Leon: The Colorado-based software is being used across six continents and local businesses like Office Evolution in Colorado Springs.
Walt Martin: Before, we've got a touchpad to come in and check in, and now you don't have to touch anything.
Daniela Leon: As COVID-19 cases continue to surge, Greetly says this technology can mean all the difference to businesses and staff.
Walt Martin: Peace of mind for me so that when I go home at night, I haven't been touching things that other people have been touching and so I'm not contributing to the spread.
No-touch technology for safer visitor check ins. With touchless visitor management visitors initiate and complete registration using their own...
Facility Executive
Oct 6, 2020
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