It's natural for investors to look for safer investment options as the economy weakens, inflation rises, and tech companies find ways to survive in the wake of a raging pandemic and economic upheavals. These enterprises take unique approaches to reduce their exposure to risk and decrease costs depending on their circumstances.
But the going hasn't been easy, especially in the tech industry. Mark Zuckerberg, Meta CEO, laid off 11,000 people in November. That's 13% of the total workforce. Moreover, Amazon recently announced the elimination of approximately ten thousand corporate and technical positions. Similarly, Lyft, Twitter, Stripe, Netflix, and cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase are also cutting back.
So there's no denying the fact that things are bad. It becomes even more important for businesses to safeguard existing resources in times like these. The well-being of clients and workers should always be top of mind, but it's especially essential during a tight economy where physical safety and data security is often the unintentional victim of budget cuts. A single mishap or security issue could send customers to competitions.
Businesses must ensure that their service and reputation don't suffer due to these avoidable security accidents, making a visitor management system more important than ever.
What Is Visitor Management?
Managing guests who come to your business premise is known as visitor management. However, checking visitors in, notifying host employees, and logging them in is just the beginning of the procedure. Also, consider guest safety and emergency evacuation management, which can alter staff and visitors currently on the premises about any safety risks. When it comes to keeping your people, assets, and intellectual property safe it's best to automate visitor management with the help of a virtual receptionist.

Why Is Visitor Management Even More Challenging In A Tight Economy
Budget Cuts
Hybrid Work
Need to Grow
Conventional visitor management methods rely on manual operations, such as keeping a paper-based log book and having receptionists alert workers when visitors arrive.
Technology companies and others find it challenging to carry out their manual visitor management. Here are a few of the reasons why:
Budget Cuts And Lack Of Human Resources
The unemployment rate is relatively high these days, and there is a critical shortage of workers in the United States. Attracting and retaining top talent isn't easy; many businesses need help maintaining larger workforces because of the tight economy.
The average salary for a receptionist is around $36,853 per year as of October 2022. So the cost of using old-fashioned visitor management techniques can quickly add up. Furthermore, in today's economic climate, finding a suitable candidate to hire is a significant obstacle in and of itself.
As a result, many businesses have had to reduce their staff to keep up with their day-to-day expenses. However, this lack of personnel makes visitor management challenging for many enterprises.
Challenges Of A Hybrid Workplace
Even though the pandemic is largely considered to be over, it has left lasting effects, such as the widespread adoption of a hybrid workplace model. Researchers at Stanford University found that hybrid workplaces are preferred by 55% of respondents.
Due to the possibility of employees working both on and off-site, it can be challenging to keep track of everyone. Every day becomes a guessing game about who will be in the office, who will be taking off, and who will be working from home. Such a situation can make visitor management more challenging than ever.
Following are a few other factors making hybrid offices challenging for visitor management:
- Most workers in a hybrid workplace are likely to spend some time away from the office. Therefore, receptionists and other forms of administration personnel won't be present round-the-clock.
- The on-site visitor management team might be unable to assist the remote employees.
- In-house staffing requirements would be hard to estimate. As a result, management might be unable to figure out whether they have an abundance of workers or are desperately short-handed.
- It can be challenging to track who is doing what because the hybrid employees might come to work as and when they want.
The Need To Grow Your Business
Despite the reduction in resources expansion remains a priority. This is only possible if the layoff will not negatively impact the company's functioning capacity.
Automating some of your processes might help you run your business on a budget until it gets back on its feet. For instance, if your visiting management team is unavailable, a visitor management system can help cover their absence.
An essential component of running a business is appropriately managing visitors. A staffing agency can be an invaluable resource for accomplishing this goal. While layoffs help save money, some roles cannot function without human resources. As a result, you should ensure that you have the right people employed in these positions throughout the crisis.
Next, you need a top-notch visitor management system to maintain your credibility, and a visitor management system can provide that.
How A Visitor Management System Can Help
Here are a few ways features of a visitor management system can help big tech companies manage these challenges.
Track Employees
Greet All Visitors
Save Money
Keep Track Of Employees
The rise of the hybrid workplace makes it increasingly necessary to track who is physically present in the office and who is working remotely. Having ready access to all relevant records for contact tracing is also essential. The good news is that these elements can be automated to ensure continued security in the workplace.
Cloud-based visitor management solutions include employee check-in and check-out functionality. allow administrators to make changes to settings and monitor visitor logs for every single location of their global footprint.
Greet All Visitors
As organizations focus on profits despite minimal resources, it is important to greet vendors and customers in style. A human receptionist is no longer necessary to provide a positive visitor experience thanks to the automation provided by your visitor management system. It can help you guarantee that every guest is greeted and connected to their host efficiently.
Visitor sign-in software is an efficient assistant to front desk workers even when human receptionists are present. The software can handle simple check-in tasks more quickly, freeing the human team to focus on more complex tasks.
Save Operational Expenses
The cost of implementing a visitor management solution is minimal. Fewer front desk workers, security guards, and escorts are needed to identify and welcome guests. Eventually, you'll see the savings and know it was worth it.
You won't need to hire many IT security workers to keep the system functioning since most of the work will be done remotely in the cloud. The software can be run with little to no technical knowledge, and administration happens on the cloud.

Many positive outcomes can result from implementing a visitor management system. Your scalability and growth might be compromised if you choose not to enforce a viable visitor management system.
The installation of visitor management system software to control building access has become increasingly important as many workers prefer a blended work environment. This is because the platform can easily accommodate times when no human personnel can serve customers.
Moreover, it helps save time and effort by performing the functions of several workers at once, such as preserving a time-stamped log of visitor movement and facilitating efficient contact tracing when necessary. This necessitates using visitor management software in this time of economic hardship.