Can a virtual receptionist kiosk really help your small office increase profit? Yes, it can! “Hire” Greetly and save your office tens of thousands of dollars versus hiring a live office receptionist. Plus your virtual receptionist is always available and will the increase productivity of your office.
Want to Save $37,076? Hire a Visitor Management Kiosk
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2012, the median receptionist salary was $25,990. If you require additional skills, like a bilingual receptionist or one with knowledge of a particular industry, their salary is likely to be higher. Bureau of Labor Statistics research also shows that salary is just 70.1% of total compensation for private-sector workers, with benefits making up the balance. The chart below calculates the total cost of hiring an office receptionist to be over $37,000! And this does not take into account soft costs like management time spent with the receptionist, office space, equipment, and more. With a little help from a visitor management kiosk, like Greetly, your office can save big. Greetly plans start at just $49 per month meaning your office can reduce annual expenses by more than $35,000 per year!

Additional Benefits of Your Virtual Receptionist
Greetly offers much more than just cost reduction; your virtual receptionist is literally always available to welcome your visitors. Greetly operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week (24/7) – with no overtime pay for holidays. Greetly never takes a vacation or lunch break. Greetly creates great first impressions by leaving the impression you run an innovative, modern office. It can even capture legal document eSignatures. If a virtual receptionist could save your office tens of thousands of dollars, wouldn’t you start today?
Percentage of
Total Compensation
Median Live Office
Receptionist Compensation
Salary |
Paid Leave |
Supplemental Pay |
Insurance |
Retirement and Savings |
Other Legally Required Costs |
Total |